See what God has been doing in 2024 with videos and powerful testimonies!!!

City of Aba Nigeria!!
March 3 – March 17th 2024
I preached on different nights on 3 simultaneous Aftermath Crusades in the City of Aba, Abia State, Southern Nigeria!!

Ndola, Zambia
May 4th – 26th 2024
I took part in TWO Aftermath crusades missions in different areas that SHOOK the kingdom of darkness!!!

Masindi Uganda Mission June 2024
88,872 decisions for Jesus!!!
…and remarkable healings, deliverances, and answer to prayers.

Bidi Bidi Uganda
July 2024
Total Outreaches, including 5 gospel crusades, 5 women’s conferences, 5 Fire conferences,5 Evangelistic trainings, 36 youth crusades.

Mentoring & Training Camps
in 2024
My goal has been so see people step forward in their gift of evangelism, to become effective in God’s calling on their lives, and set up/develop their own ministries.

Outreach in 2024 in Southend on Sea UK
my home city
This year we have been on the streets in Southend on Sea , with the Empowerment Church and with other church ministries, including the Love Essex Mission, and we have seen many people get saved and touched by the power of Jesus.
Kalulushi, Zambia – May

A crusade organised in only 3 weeks, that got crowds of over 34,000!
We are overjoyed to announce fantastic results!
Truly like the Victoria falls in Zambia, streams of Living Water from God were flowing!!!
The Grand Total of those who made decisions for Jesus was 38,957!
Over the period of 5 days, we preached to audiences totalling 106,000!
On just the 5 nights of the Kalulushi crusade, we saw a total of more than 26,000 decisions for Jesus

The biggest crusade attendance for any crusade I have worked on so far!!
Whilst I was on the Lusaka Gospel Invasion in Zambia, I discussed with other evangelists a possibility of doing another crusade before I left Zambia. This would be a ‘spin off’ from a bigger CfaN decapolis crusade that was held in the Zambian city of Kitwe (population 800,000) last year in 2022. The city we chose close to Kitwe was Kalulushi, a town in the Zambian copper belt, with a population of around 100,000. It seemed ideal…it was only half an hour drive away from Kitwe where the bigger crusade had been. Everyone in Kalulushi had heard of the famous Decapolis crusade in nearby Kitwe, but few people had managed to go to it. They were hungry for their own crusade!….

I want to honour and thank the anointed passionate evangelists who joined me. The team was Evangelists Michael Job, Julian Reddihough, and Haggai Mweene (from Zambia) ably assisted by Fire camper Evg. Lucy Coons.

A miraculous crusade in every respect…. The time to organise it was tight. We had only three weeks! Could a big crusade be organised in just 3 weeks? In our training we were taught that usually crusade planning needed 3 months! But if it is Gods will, he will make a way! We thank God for his amazing interventions!

In just three weeks of church mobilization we went from 48 churches participating to 326 churches !
Last minute prayer answers! Many of the essential components for the crusade, the stage hire, the advertising and other things, thank God, came together right at the last moment. Only the day before the crusade, we got the stage for the crusade, after other options fell through! I arrived with the publicity by truck and all the signs and posters went up, only just in time, with 6 days to spare before our main crusade started. Just in time, the money came in to make the crusade possible, and we were also grateful to CfaN to have free CfaN follow up books and the big wooden advertising frames and other things from the Decapolis in Lusaka, which had just finished. This saved us time and thousands and thousands of dollars!
The main crusades

The main crusades were held on Kaunda Square, where political meetings for the town are usually held, so it was convenient for calculating the crowds. For the last few days of the crusade, we had a popular local Zambian talent Chilu, of Chilumusic who sang and led worship for us.
A heavenly surprise! Before the crusade, I felt God say he was going to surprise us, and he did!! I was absolutely amazed by the sized of the crowds corresponding to the size of the town.
• The first night had an attendance of 12,000 and decisions for Jesus of over 3,500.
• All the other nights the attendance was over 20,000 and decisions for Jesus of between 5,500 and 7,341.
• The last night I preached in front of 28,000 but the audience was still growing. There were over 7,600 decisions for Jesus. By the time the healing session was finished, the crowd had grown to a fantastic 32,000!!

The Figures:

A big crusade response!

Strongholds of darkness overturned! I have never seen so many people bring forth items of witchcraft and sin to be burnt as in Kalulushi. They brought these things to the front and they were burnt in these barrels amidst much rejoicing! Truly this town was repenting and turning to Jesus – a glorious sight to see!

During the crusade, we also saw Jesus do numerous healings every night!

• A man who came with a broken ankle was healed – after prayer he could walk home without his crutches and without pain!
• Another woman who needed a stick to walk for 18 years was healed and could run around the stage!
• A woman who received her sense of smell back after 20 years!
• A woman with a huge swelling and pain caused by fibroids was healed and the swelling disappeared!
• A woman with blindness cause by diabetes could see, and many other eye conditions were healed!
• Hip, knee, elbow, stomach, and leg pains disappeared!
And many other people came to testify of healing from conditions and sicknesses that they had had for months and even many years! Since the crusade even more people have been coming into church offices testify that they have been healed by Jesus!
You can see all of the people who came on the stage to testify through this link www.kalulushi4jesus.com
The schools’ crusades were conducted in Lusaka and Kalulushi
We started off with schools in Lusaka, as we were not allowed to do crusades in many schools in Kalulushi (we were told they were being reserved for a future CfaN outreach in 2024). But God moved powerfully, as we moved onto the schools in the Kalulushi town!

We also did many ‘Pop up’ market crusades in Kalulushi
We did pop up crusades all over Kalulushi in preparation to the main crusades, and the response was good. The people were very open to the good news about Jesus.

How we organised the Crusade….
Gods provision! As the Decapolis in Lusaka had just finished, and we were doing a Decapolis spinoff crusade, we were offered the wooden signage frames and follow up books by CfaN, which saved us thousands of US dollars. We took all of this up in a 12-hour truck journey to Kalulushi in a church truck, with the other publicity and signage printed in Lusaka. We couldn’t get a pre-built stage, so we built a CfaN Decapolis sized one out of scaffold. As the electricity supply in Zambia is stable, we didn’t need to get a generator, but we got permission to connect into the mains. Both these things also saved us thousands of dollars we could use for other things.

Our wonderful CfaN Decapolis Crusade Organisers…

We were blessed with great organisers for our crusade. Apostle Abuid(left) , Bishop Pathias (right), who have had Crusade organiser training by CfaN and had served as crusade organisers for the much larger Kitwe Decapolis Crusade in 2022. They were assisted in Kalulushi by Pastor Onestah from Kalulushi, seen here, and a great crusade committee.

We had CfaN Decapolis Quality Advertising and Publicity…
Because we were able to use 2 Decapolis trained crusade organisers, and because we were kindly allowed to have many resources from the Decapolis that had just finished in Lusaka, we had the opportunity to do a lot of high-quality Decapolis publicity and advertising everywhere all around the town. We were able to replicate the Decapolis advertising program. Along with having 326 churches on board, this was one of the reasons why we had crowds of between 20 – 32,000 rather than only 5 – 7,000 crowds more usual for a town this size.
Also, the crusade came in at an amazingly low total cost of just over 17,000 USD!!

And now an innovative Brand-New online Testimony site!!
We are staring up a testimony and gospel website for the town which the church there can add to, called www.kalulushi4jesus.com. This will include over 30 of the testimonies from the crusade, and it will be used in schools and churches and for further evangelism in the area. This new local website can keep speaking to adults and school children in Kalulushi with the testimonies of the miracles of God, with the gospel, for years to come!!!

We thank God for everything he did and for the breakthroughs we saw and give Him all the Glory!
We also want to thank the strong prayer team internationally and locally, and the local pastors, church field workers, Our crusade organisers Bishop Pathias and Apostle Abuid Nyaede and the other people locally who faithfully served with us and worked so hard, so God could bring this great result. We also want to honour Bret Sipek who had the vision for Decapolis spin off crusades and the other people in CfaN who advised and tremendously helped facilitate the crusade in so many ways.

Conclusion…a realization
Walking with the Falls ……
Immediately after the crusade was finished, I was able to go on a trip to Livingstone, the place where The famous missionary Dr David Livingston established his Christian mission in Zambia in the 19th Century. This was next to the Victoria falls, the world’s largest waterfalls and one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. The natural was symbolizing the supernatural. The power of the Victoria falls made me think of the powerful streams of living water that we had experienced in Kalulushi, and others are experiencing as God’s Holy Spirit floods all over Zambia and Africa… As we saw, the fall of his Holy Spirit has a powerful transforming power!!!
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh”
Gods outpouring all over Zambia, 2023

Walking with a Lion!!!….
A second thing occurred to me when I had an opportunity to walk with Lions in Livingstone. In the film below I have a special message ……

“See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
the Root of David, has triumphed.”
With thanks to my guide in Livingstone, the late Simon Mbewe

4th-18th October 2022
Kitgum crusade & schools – PalaBEK Refugee settlement Camp – Gulu SCHOOLS
42,497 decisions for Christ!!
A Breakthrough Mission in Northern Uganda!!!

I am overjoyed announce the great results in the northern city of Kitgum, in the schools in Kitgum, neighbouring Gulu and later Kampala and the amazing crusades in the Palabek Refugee Resettlement Camp. Months before, I’d felt Gods presence come upon me when I was approached by someone concerning doing a crusade in Uganda, and from that moment, I knew this was truly a divine assignment….and God didn’t disappoint us!

My First mission as Crusade Director….
Kitgum was my first mission as the Crusade Director, where I had the leadership responsibility over all the planning and organisation for the whole mission. I thank God for all the guidance and the help he gave me directly and through others and give him all the glory and praise for what was achieved! I owe a considerable debt of gratitude to the experienced Crusade organiser Apostle John Karanja, for his considerable hard work, help and dedication, to Ester Denis who led the anointed worship, Pastor Alfred and the local Kitgum Crusade committee, and for the large local team of intercessors who faithfully prayed over many months led by Juliet Gibbs.
I also want to honour and thank the 5 anointed passionate evangelists who joined me, and who worked very hard in the service of God’s Kingdom, Michael Job, Billy Jenkins Jared Cisneros, Daniel Webster, and Jimmy Walsh. We preached in front of crowds of up to 7,000+ in Kitgum, and also spent time preaching to good sized crowds in the nearby Palabek refugee settlement camp, to mainly Sudanese refugees, and at over 100 schools in the district.
Despite some initial setbacks in the first days of the crusade, we didn’t lose heart, and the Lord prevailed, and these were the results:
• 113 Schools’ crusades in Kitgum, Gulu and Kampala – total decisions: 34,052 souls.

• 5 main Crusades in Kitgum – total decisions: 4,492 souls
• 3 Pop up crusades in the Palabek refugee settlement camp – total decisions: 3,953 souls
The Grand Total of those who made decisions for Jesus was 42,497!
Please watch this brief film clip to show you what happened at the crusade:
The preparation……

We had a 4-month coordinated onsite intercessory team, huge roadside signs and banners, posters, flyers, a local team working in the community. We also had radio shows, parades and sound cars, and literature prepared for a most important moment in Kitgum’s history….. the of salvation of thousands of people’s souls!
This is an area that had had many demonic issues with both war and witchcraft. Initially we faced opposition…. many of the posters we put up, were torn down initially by those who opposed the crusade. But our team worked hard, the opposition failed, and the crusade attendance numbers turned out to be really excellent!
Strongholds of darkness overturned! Kitgum had been a place that as recently as 2006 had been afflicted with a brutal local war with a terrorist army terrorizing the local community, and the whole area had suffered terrible atrocities. It also had been receiving large numbers of traumatised refugees from a different civil war in nearby South Sudan. Large displacement camps are in the area full of Sudanese refugees and the victims of war. When we had arrived, the place had a heaviness from all this demonic activity. Many of the people looked troubled and burdened….
But the powers of darkness were shifted during the crusades and the atmosphere noticeably changed!
• Many Witches came to Christ!!! Many witchcraft items were burnt on three of the nights of the crusade. During the crusade 5 local witch doctors gave their life to Jesus, including one on mainstage at the crusade!
Below are some of the testimonies …….
• Dozens of demons manifest over every night of the crusade, people were delivered, and the deliverance tent was full…. there was more deliverance than any other crusade I have been part of so far!!
Signs and Wonders followed… confirming Gods Word… Mark 16:20
During the mission we also saw numerous wonderful healings every day during the pop-up crusades and every night at the main crusades:
• A child had his deaf left ear healed, tested on the stage.
• A woman had pain for 6 months in her hips and couldn’t walk without pain, was healed
• A man who came with a broken leg healed – after prayer he could walk without his crutches and without pain!
• A woman’s father was healed so he could walk, and then her own pain, which was stopping her bending over, disappeared at the same time!
• A blind child could see her after prayer and was tested on the stage!!
And many, many other people came to testify of healing from conditions and sicknesses that they had had for months and even many years!
Watch this brief clip to show you some of the healing testimonies at the crusade
A Fire Conference of Holy Spirit Power!
At the training and empowerment meeting for the church we found a great hunger for the Lord. The Holy Spirit Fire certainly came, and many were touched powerfully!

The Palabek Refugee Resettlement Camp breakthrough….
…. ‘a Crusade within a Crusade!’

The South Sudanese border is very close to Kitgum, and there had been a brutal civil war in Sudan which ended in 2005. In addition, the LRA, a warlord terrorist army had been fighting in northern Uganda against the Ugandan army until 2006 With special permissions were able to enter and preach in the Palabek resettlement camp, a huge refugee camp with over 50,000 residents, and go to the huge schools and do pop up crusades there. This is normally a restricted area.
Many of the Sudanese and Ugandan residents of this camp had experienced terrible violence towards them and their families and communities. But the power and mercy of God for these people in this camp was simply amazing, and on each crusade there over 1000 people who gave their lives to Christ and we saw many miracles. Broken people were being healed! Normally ‘pop-up’ crusades in surrounding districts are much smaller events. But this was like a crusade within a crusade!!
One of the primary schools in the camp had over 4200 children, and we were able to preach there and at many other schools and see huge results.

Thousands of children in huge schools in Palabek camp heard and received the gospel
‘Zone 5’ The ‘Pop-up’ crusades….
Wherever we went in the Palabek camp we were welcomed by crowds of people, hungry to hear about God and to receive their healing. The camp was divided into Zones. At Zone 5, seen in the pictures, at the highest point we had crowds of over 2,500, and many of these people came a long way to the meetings on foot. These were very poor people. But out of this crowd over 60% – over 1,500 responded to the gospel!!

GREAT Results!!!
This picture on the left, shows just some of the thousands and thousands of decision forms filled out by people responding to Jesus at the many crusade meetings we held! Each one of these slips had the contact details of those individuals who responded, so they could be followed up by the participating church pastors, and invited to and welcomed into a local church. These pastors were very happy to receive so many new believers into their congregations!!!
We thank God for everything he did and for the breakthroughs we saw and give Him all the Glory! We also want to thank the strong prayer team and the local pastors, church workers, and people locally who faithfully served with us, so God could bring this great harvest of souls!
The beginning of this mission the schools work was very difficult to do. For several days, we faced opposition. We had problems with both a local religious body which wanted to strictly control how we were preaching at each school, and reduce the number of schools we could attend, and then unjustified opposition from the local Department of Education, through absolutely no fault, mistake, or lack of preparation from our team.
The devil was trying to block our work in this region! But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!! (1 Corin 15:57). Despite the difficult start, God gave us wisdom, miraculous intervention, and a way through the situation, and so we were able to conclude a very successful mission at the schools in over 4 different areas – Kitgum, nearby Gulu, Palabek refugee settlement camp and on the way back at the capital city Kampala, with some schools in regions in between!! We saw over 34,000 decisions for Jesus from the children!

Backstage – waiting to minister…

The Team I was honoured to serve with
Other previous missions:

Kenya Migori July 2023
Nearly 32,000 decisions for Jesus!!!
My 2023 crusade season continued with a crusade in Kenya Migori a city with a population of just under 100,000.

The Lusaka Gospel Invasion April / May 2023
This invasion of evangelists doing numerous small events, advertises, inspires and prepares the ground for the great Decapolis crusades which follow immediately after in that vicinity, which can draw up to 100,000 people in attendance.

Pakistan – Gujranwala Sept. 15th 2022
Over 2,000 decisions for Jesus!!!
I am excited to announce the results of two one-night crusades in Pakistan…. one in the city of Gujranwala and one in a district of Karachi. Both had huge crowds!

Njombe Mission 19th – 31st July 2022
Over 24,000 decisions for Jesus!!!
I entered Njombe as part of a team of three evangelists, one crusade organiser, and a worship leader.

Makambako Mission Tanzania 5th – 17th 2022
Over 28,000 decisions for Jesus!!!
We had tremendous in success in the school’s ministry, and overall, combining schools and crusades, for the whole mission, we saw the biggest number of people make decisions for Jesus at any of the EAC crusades far!

Teen Challenge London November 2021
Since I got back the UK, I have been grateful for the opportunity to do preaching and teaching at Teen Challenge London. Many responded to the gospel. These men have come out of a life of crime and drugs but are being discipled, healed, delivered, and restored within a small Christian community of nearly 30 men. Now some want to go on to become church pastors!
As well as preaching I had the honour to do teaching and do ministry at the Bible school there.

Gospel Invasion Dar Es Salaam Tanzania October 2022
A fruitful street and truck outreach in preparation for the hugely successful CfaN crusade to Dar es Salaam gave us the opportunity to preach and pray for the sick everywhere from fishing areas to the Dar es Salaam Stadium.

Morogoro Kids crusade Tanzania Sept 2021
Thousands of Children come to Jesus! A surprise opportunity to take part in a wonderful youth crusade in Morogoro after the Kilosa crusade was a welcome time of blessing.

The Kilosa Gospel Mission Aug/Sept 2021
Over 18,000 Souls for Jesus!!
The Lord made a way for us to have a wonderful harvest in the small town of Kilosa. I preached my first full crusade as a CfaN ordained evangelist in one of towns that I had scouted earlier in the year, which is in the Morogoro region in the centre of Tanzania.

The Three Missions Spring/Summer 2021
Wow! There is so much to give the glory and thank God for! God gloriously moved in each one of the three missions, during my trip to Tanzania and Kenya in 2021. Amid the fear of Covid, I was able to bring the joy of God’s good news of life through Jesus!

Tanzania Summer 2020
There were over 400,000 documented decisions for Christ from these missions involving CfaN graduates, and countless amazing miracles such as deafness cured and people walking who had be confined to wheelchairs. These missions have included large meetings at hundreds of schools, marketplace outreaches, truck crusades, and bigger crusades across five cities and regions in Tanzania……

Beginnings. My First crusade. Nakuru, Kenya 2002
A remarkable Invitation……
Thank you for your prayers! Your partner in the Harvest!