KENYA Migori July 2023
Steet Fights & Salvation!
Nearly 32,000 decisions for Jesus… despite the trials!

My 2023 crusade season continued with a crusade in Kenya Migori a city with a population of just under 100,000. At first, the crusade outcome seemed to be promising with a large bustling city and an enthusiastic pastor opening dinner meeting. But then a series of unforeseen events happened that were hindrances to the crusade.
Political demonstrations!!!
We only need to look at the bible to see that the devil tries many ways to oppose the gospel! Just before we arrived, the Kenyan government had recently instituted taxes on basic food stuffs which resulted in an organised day of strikes and protest by the opposition party and angry poor people. Hotbed of the opposition party was Migori, and a huge day of protest was scheduled for day two of our schools’ crusades. We were warned not to go out of the hotel this day – this turned out to be wise advice, as we could hear gunshots and tear gas going off all throughout the day. Widespread street fights with the police and army, looting, vandalism an anarchy broke out. Sadly, at the end of the day one person had been shot dead and many injured and arrested. No children had gone to school this day, and many shops and businesses were closed.
But we were saddened to hear that the next week, the demonstrations were going to be repeated – on the first day of the 5-day main crusade!! This meant that not only was the first day of our crusade written off as once again it was unsafe to step outside the hotel, but people may have been turning up for a crusade that wasn’t taking place as advertised!
Football First!
Another setback was that we lost our crusade field a few days before the crusade! The large city grass stadium had been booked and paid for well in advance, and permissions given. But a late notification from the city football team that it had a fixture right in the middle of our crusade (the stadium was their ground) meant that we either faced a confrontation with hundreds of angry fans and the team who would not back down , and also both the main political parties who despite us legally having the right to do our meetings, due to the delicate political situation backed the football team to have their game! The god and idol of football stepped in to oppose the God of Grace! We had to relocate our crusade to the postal ground nearby. But the fact remained that we couldn’t start our crusade on the day, or at the place that all of our advertising said. This, and some bad weather, badly affected the attendance at the main crusade meetings.
But God granted success! – The Migori Schools ministry
I was teamed with my friend Jim Weitner a seasoned evangelist and crusade organiser that I knew from Bootcamp 2020. Wow we saw a great response after one or two difficult days!!
At a huge state school – 2,200 children! The biggest school meeting I have preached at!

At posh fee-paying schools….

Big schools and little schools

Thousands turning to Jesus….

The Migori schools Team …. Julian and Jim

Radio Show
This was the most successful radio show I have been part of personally. Jim and I were on air for over an hour and the presence of the Holy Spirit was flowing! Here with Esther Denis, crusade organiser and radio interviewer, John Karanja!

The Crusade Team
With Esther in the centre right, ably leading worship!

We give Him all the glory!
Thank you for your prayers! Your partner in the Harvest!