Gospel Invasion Dar Es Salaam Tanzania October 2022
A fruitful street and truck outreach in preparation for the hugely successful CfaN crusade to Dar es Salaam gave us the opportunity to preach and pray for the sick everywhere from fishing areas to the Dar es Salaam Stadium.
I took part in one week of this event which led to an evangelism crusade and the CfaN Decapolis where there were 210,553 decisions for Christ!!! God has moved mightily in Dar es Salaam in 2021!!!

We did more schools in The Dar es Salaam region and had big responses. There were times when the Holy spirit came powerfully and demons manifest and left the children, when we prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit! It was like Bible days! Once again in many places 70-90% of the children responded to the gospel!
The truck preaching here included:
• Going to some largely Muslim areas where we encountered some opposition! But God opened a way, and many were saved.
• Preaching outside the national stadium, where the most important football tournament of the year was about to take place!
• Preaching in Market places
• Doing promotion for a big upcoming CfaN evangelism event.
• We were seeing many hundreds of decisions for Jesus every day Praise God!

The colourful street performers drew crowds, and then afterwards we preached to them, and prayed for the sick, and God did fantastic healings to confirm His Word, and many of them were saved.

FRANKFURT VISIT – on my journey home from Africa to the UK
Meeting Cfan’s Herbert Fisher

To avoid 10-day airport quarantine, I felt God told me to return to the UK via Germany. I had a wonderful opportunity to spend a day with Herbert Fisher, head of CfaN Europe in Frankfurt on my way home and discuss the exiting plans for Youth Fire camps for training evangelists, one being in London, and preaching trucks for Europe and other plans for the coming year which I am hoping to be part of.

Thank you for your prayers! Your partner in the Harvest!