
Njombe Mission 19th – 31st July 2022

24,000 decisions for Christ!!

I entered Njombe as part of a team of three evangelists, one crusade organiser, and a worship leader.

I entered Njombe as part of a team of three evangelists, one crusade organiser, and a worship leader.

The area had great tribal traditions. Here you can see some of the local Maasai nomadic tribesmen.

School Crusades

As we usually do, we started our mission off with schools’ crusades

The school’s ministry was very fruitful. Each day we would load our vehicles with follow up books to give to those children who accepted Jesus as their Lord and saviour after our presentation. This was what a typical school would look like, and we would enter find the head teachers office and make friends!

Wonderful schools Testimony!!!

I personally received a wonderful unsolicited and unprompted testimony from a head teacher in Njombe about 4 weeks after I returned to the UK. I had attended his school to do a school crusade the month before. This is what he wrote. (Please note that Tanzania is not an English-speaking country. Swahili is their first language)

‘I am very grateful and delightful for your good and blessed work. I hope you are having good work of God for his gospel. Anyway, I take this opportunity to give a testimony about God what have done to My school through you. I’m a head teacher at Usita primary school which located in the West of Njombe town. We remember you came in our school in July this year to talk with pupils about the doctrine of God. God bless you; your work was not vain because through your prayers you did my school changed a lot. Bad behaviour are disappeared among pupils, good performance is academy is now improving good than before. Peace and love abide with pupils and teachers for more extent. Those God’s books are very interesting to pupils that they can’t stop reading them daily, they enjoy pictures and writings. We thank God more who sent you to visit us. God bless you very much. Welcome again for any time you can at Usita primary school in Njombe region in Tanzania. The scripture of God should not terminate worldwide. Amen.’

Main Crusade

Watch this Introduction to the crusade

We would always prepare for our main crusade with radio programmes and advertising, this included a town parade, and lots of work by local teams.



Despite some local divisions in the church, which sadly did reduce the numbers attending the crusade a little, the Lord powerfully moved again in this town, and we saw many accept Jesus – over 24,000 documented decisions of people coming to Christ.

Signs and Wonders!

We saw wonderful healings confirming the message of Jesus salvation :

  • Epilepsy cured. A man who was having up to 20 epileptic fits a day … was prayed for on the night of the first crusade and he testified at the end of the crusade that his fits had totally stopped
  • Effects of an accident a child who had difficulty in walking after an accident who suddenly felt God’s healing power come into his legs. He no longer needed his crutch!!! See the testimony on this video:
  • A woman who was blind for one year got her sight back, and proved it by describing what she could see
  • Physical conditions – Pain disappearing, movement possible. Many people testified to long term pain disappearing from the abdomen, shoulders, knee pain (for two years). They could move without feeling the pain in the way they couldn’t move before the meeting
  • Deliverance. One woman felt things come out of her chest when we pray for God to bring deliverance from spirits of infirmity. The pain that she had been experiencing for some time totally disappeared

These were just some of those that we saw and recorded on film. We were seeing just the same sorts of healings as we read about in the Bible!

Thank you for your prayers! Your partner in the Harvest!