The Kilosa Gospel Mission Aug/Sept 2021
Over 18,000 Souls for Jesus!!
The Lord made a way for us to have a wonderful harvest in the small town of Kilosa. I preached my first full crusade as a CfaN ordained evangelist in one of towns that I had scouted earlier in the year, which is in the Morogoro region in the centre of Tanzania.

August / September …. The Kilosa Story…
At this Crusade in Kilosa we saw over 18,000 recorded decisions for Christ!!

After crusades in 2 other towns that unfortunately had to be postponed due to covid restrictions being imposed, the Lord made a way for us to have a wonderful harvest in the small town of Kilosa. This was one of the towns that I had scouted earlier in the year, which is in the Morogoro region in the center of Tanzania.
I, and three other CfaN evangelists made up a team and we worked over a two-week period, with Evangelist Carl Butler overseeing.
We had had some opposition to the crusade here at times, but of course that did not stop what the Lord wanted to do! We give all the Glory to God for what happened….
We started with school’s work. I was honored to work with one of Cfans most experienced schools’ workers Michael Job. The almost 30 schools/colleges in this area ranged from primary pupils to adult students, and many schools were very large. In many places, school after school had a turnout for our meetings of between 1500 and 2000 children!! With over 80-90% of the children responding to the gospel we saw literally thousands saved!
It was so touching…the children were hungry for the gospel and hours later we would see thousands of them reading the special children’s gospel follow up booklet that every child received! (This booklet was written by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda of CfaN). They would go back to the classes singing the Jesus song ‘One Way Jesus’, we taught them!

We also saw hundreds of people respond at special sites, ranging from markets to bus stops and petrol stations and waste ground near villages where we chose as sites to do pop up crusades with the truck. These were in addition to the main crusade meetings.
With the small pop-up crusades, I was called to preach all different lengths of message and sometimes in all difficult circumstances. But God was good and at many of the pop-up day crusades we were seeing people being saved in the hundreds and fantastic healings confirming God’s word!!!

Me and three other evangelists conducted a short fire conference in Kilosa to equip and empower the church members in this great town. We wanted to see people filled with the passion and fire of the Holy Spirit. The meetings culminated in the last meeting where we prayed for Gods power to fall and prayed for the people in the hall to be shaken with his power. And many literally were!
Fire! Fire! Fire!
The fire of God certainly fell on the meetings! We had reports from the people at the conference that the presence of God stayed with them for days after the meetings. God was speaking to people specifically about what he wanted them to do for the evangelistic ministry in Kilosa. And he was healing powerfully. One lady asked for prayer for her daughter, who was not even at the meeting, and she told the story on a radio broadcast ‘phone in’ days later, that her daughter had reported to her that she had been healed of a chronic gynecological problem!

This night I was broadcasting with John Karanja shown above, who was our African Crusade Director
I had the opportunity to preach on two radio broadcasts with another evangelist and our crusade director, to broadcast to Kilosa and the surrounding area of Morogoro. This was marvelous opportunity because we were answering questions, sharing the gospel, and hearing reports of people who had been touched during the crusade. Because of this many Muslims came to the crusades because they wanted to be healed by Jesus. Only Jesus saves and heals!!
Each of the 4 evangelists took it in turn to preach and do the introduction/ministry of healing/and to bring the meeting to a close, and off-stage work such as prayer, deliverance, and vetting the healing testimonies of people who came forward to testify to healing etc.
Over 18,000 decisions for Christ were registered for the whole crusade including the schools and all the other meetings added together!

Me preaching at Kilosa. We saw over 700 to 1000 decisions for Jesus every single night on the crusade field!

The Evangelists for the Kilosa Crusade

This was the evening where we burned the objects of witchcraft, the occult and Juju, that people brought who had turned away from them and given their life to Jesus during the crusade.

God was so good – we saw so many testimonies during the weeks of the crusade. Diseases, conditions, and injuries caused by accidents, were all healed. Jesus healed some people who had had these for years. Here were just a few:
• A paralyzed man who couldn’t move his leg demonstrated his healing by climbing up steps!
• A man who was paralyzed on one side, suddenly could move, and could lift his arm above his head which he couldn’t do before.
• A person who had had severe numbness for 4 years cured was and their feeling returned.
• Someone who had stomach pains for 1 year who was healed, and the pain disappeared.
• Woman with a finger problem for 1 year was healed after there was a word of knowledge from God that someone of this problem would be healed.

A man testifying of Gods healing to me and the audience at one of our pop-up crusades

• A broken leg healed, and so was a broken arm! And they could move them without pain.
• A man who couldn’t walk for 7 years was able to start to take steps to his joy!
• Many testified that their back problems had been healed.
• A woman testified that daughters womb problem had cleared up after prayer at a meeting, and the lady gave the testimony publicly on a radio phone in!
• A Muslim received healing from paralysis and accepted Jesus.
• A teenager who had epilepsy for 6 years – having over 10 fits everyday day – came back 48 hours later and testified that had completely stopped.
• A woman was healed of physical damage to her head caused by a serious accident by being hit by a falling coconut!

In East Africa I will be looking to work with the following people God I have successfully worked with this year as part of a team:

John Karanjar Waburiri
Crusade Director

Esther Denis
Worship Leader
Thank you for your prayers! Your partner in the Harvest!