

481,478 decisions for Christ!!

The CfaN Bootcamp initialization and Pentapolis crusades 2020.
The CfaN Bootcamp initialization and Pentapolis crusades 2020.
There are over 300,000 documented decisions for Christ from these missions involving CfaN graduates, and countless amazing miracles such as deafness cured and people walking who had be confined to wheelchairs. These missions have included large meetings at hundreds of schools, marketplace outreaches, truck crusades, and bigger crusades across five cities and regions in Tanzania……




Typical testimonies from the Tanzania Ministry

At the crusades in Tabora and Shinyanga, Khama, Singida, and Arusha powerful miracles have taken place. Tumours have vanished, injured body parts were healed, and deaf ears opened.
• At one meeting miracles broke out across the crowd. Over a dozen crippled people lifted up their crutches and began to take steps of faith!
• A lady who had been blind in her left eye for the last 14 years testified that she had regained her eyesight! She was completely healed as her vision was tested.
• A lady whose left arm was paralysed, was miraculously healed. She came on the platform to testify and demonstrate for us how she could use her arm again.
• A lady who had painful ulcers for one year testified that she was completely healed. All the pain in her body left during the prayer.
• A lady who was at the meeting night before came today to testify of her healing. She had the issue of blood for 20 years. Today she confirmed that she was completely healed!

• A Muslim lady who had numbness on both legs received her healing and made Jesus Christ her Lord and Saviour!
• A young lady who had pain in her stomach for 18 months was completely healed.
• A lady had problems with her knees for 23 years and could not walk. After healing prayer, Jesus touched her, and she started to walk. She was happy at what Jesus did for her!
• A paralysed lady was carried to the deliverance tent. As soon as she was delivered from demons, she also received her full complete healing.
• One of the team reports: The most incredible thing I’ve experienced happened ….this mom and grandma brought their little boy for me to pray for him after the crusade. He was completely deaf in BOTH ears. I had them call his name over and over from behind and no response whatsoever. He had no clue they were calling him. I prayed once and had them trying call him. Absolutely nothing. I prayed again for his deaf ears to open in Jesus name. After I prayed he smiled very big….I said call him again and they started calling him and he answered EVERYTIME. They said it was the first time he’s ever heard!!!

Thank you for your prayers! Your partner in the Harvest!