Be A Partner in Prayer With Us

We want to stand with you as Partners in Prayer!

Do you have a prayer request? Let us know how we can pray for you, today. For healing, for unsaved love ones, for problems or direction, or strength or help?

Do you need a touch from God? Whatever your issue, we are here for you! Could you use a supernatural intervention from heaven in some area of your life? The same miracles we see on the mission field are available for you right where you live. God is no respecter of persons. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from, the colour of your skin or the clothes you wear. It makes no difference to Him. If you have a need, we have a God who hears and answers our prayers!

Whatever your issue, we are here for you! Let us agree in prayer that God will do a miracle in your life! Your prayer request will receive our immediate attention. It’s our privilege to pray for you!

Will you stand with us as Partner in Prayer for this ministry?

You could partner us by praying for our missions…. for people to get saved at our crusades, in our schools missions and local evangelistic outreaches. I want to introduce you to Jean and Gordon….

“Hi! My name is Jean. Both my husband Gordon and I are leading the prayer ministry and intercession for Julian and Enter into Life Ministries. I have known Julian for many years and I want to really commend this exciting ministry to you, and encourage you to pray with us!

Gordon and I firmly believe what the Bible says ‘he that wins souls is wise’. Proverbs 11:30. ‘Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever’. Daniel 12:3. So Gordon and I are excited to be the Prayer and Intercession coordinators for the forthcoming evangelistic missions, and for the work Julian will be taking part in, in this last great end time gathering of souls!
I can tell you that you can make a real difference by signing up to be part of our prayer network community. We are earnestly praying for many souls to be won for Christ, and for God to powerfully confirm his word with signs wonders and healings. Prayer is a vital component in someone’s salvation…we know we are in a battle! But we also know that God is with us, He gives us the victory, and that He will greatly reward you for your sacrificial obedience to His call to pray. The prayers you pray now for souls, in this last outpouring of God’s mercy, will never be forgotten! They will be forever remembered by God, and by the people who will come into heaven because of you!!

So please consider signing up as a prayer partner today! If you join us, we will keep you regularly updated with prayer points, and with the fantastic, exciting testimonies we are expecting! And of course, we can pray for miracles and blessings for you too!”