Evangelist Julian Reddihough
Personal Endorsement
I have been chosen, trained and ordained as a minister of the gospel by Christ for all Nations.
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda Is the CEO of Christ for All Nations (CfaN) and the successor to world-renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. He has led more than 22-million people to Christ, face-to-face, through massive open-air evangelistic campaigns, in some of the most dangerous, difficult, and remote locations on earth.
Here is a personal endorsement video from Evangelist Kolenda, asking for your support for me:
my story

Dr Chauncy Crandall, author of Raising the Dead

Televangelist Benny Hinn at Bootcamp graduation
Hi! My name is Julian. I was born as an unbeliever, but at my time of need I cried out to God and the mercy love and power of God supernaturally healed me of tinnitus and later cancer, and I invited Jesus Christ to become my Lord and Saviour.
After this I became involved with leading in a youth evangelistic ministry then with a church plant as one of the pastors. God then started giving me dreams so I started an evangelistic dream interpretation ministry, and then a Bible study ministry. I am also now creating an exciting and totally ground breaking Online Evangelist website and app called The Tree of Life with unique features. Please go to www.thetreeof.life for a preview
In September 2019, after a powerful supernatural nighttime dream about Africa, I was led to find out about the Evangelism training at Christ for all Nations. I joined and graduated as just one of 50 students from the first ever Christ for All Nations 6-month Bootcamp School (cfan.org) headed by World famous Evangelist Daniel Kolenda.
So now, I have been privileged to be been further trained in all aspects of large evangelistic meetings – Crusade Evangelism and Organization by some of the world’s leading evangelists.
This is my passionate prayer that burns in my heart…..“God give me Souls, Souls, Souls!!”
Will you support me. as part of God end time generation, he is raising up to reach a billion souls? I have a passion to go to all the nations and preach the good news with Healings, signs and wonders following and to be used by God in building His Kingdom.
I have previously led missions to Africa and India, with plans to go to Kenya, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, India and Brazil, and other places around the world in the near future. For more information on these, or how to become a partner in giving or prayer please sign up for information on these. I would love to be in contact with you.

Eric Gilmour of Sonship International at Bootcamp

Evangelist Dr Daniel King, who is seeking 1 million souls a year through his evangelistic ministry

Todd White of Lifestyle Christianity at The School of Evangelism

The person received Christ after this appearance, whilst I was personally sharing the gospel with them in Orlando

The gold graduation ring

The Three Dreams Vision

How I am humbled to be part of it
For the last 40 years CfaN has seen over 80 Million souls won for Christ and has a vision for 150 million soul double harvest, but this has come through three dreams. The first dream, in the past, is when God gave the renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke the same supernatural dream on 4 successive nights of a Blood washed Africa, that Africa would be saved ‘from Cape town to Cairo!’ Then, near the end of his life, he had another a powerful dream/vision that he was to be a forerunner of many new evangelists. This was the second dream which showed the future.
His anointed successor, Evg Daniel Kolenda had a third dream – to release a decade of double harvest bringing 20,000 new evangelists into the harvest field of souls for one last great ingathering of souls before the return of our Lord Jesus! In Tanzania this year it was pointed out that there is a tower standing there that is exactly halfway from Cape town to Cairo! The job to reach 150 million souls is over half done. It has symbolized that the next phase of the 3 dreams fulfilment has begun…..
But there is a fourth dream….and that is the personal supernatural dream God gave me!
My training at bootcamp came as a result of my own supernatural dream where God told me to go to Africa, one month before I even heard about Evangelist Daniel’s bootcamp!!!
My going to the international harvest field is in obedience to the divine calling of all these supernatural dreams which, as CfaN has already shown evidence, I know with your support will bear great fruit.
Julian is an Accredited and Ordained CfaN Minister of the Gospel
Julian Graduated from The CfaN Bootcamp School of Evangelism
Certificate of Completion and Final preaching assignment marked By Evangelist Daniel Kolenda:
Graduation day!
I am one of the first 52 graduates released for this task so far
What I believe
THE BIBLE is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.
There is ONE GOD, eternally existent in three Persons:
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit
In the Deity of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right Hand of the Father, His personal future return to this earth in power and glory to rule.
In the BLESSED HOPE – the rapture of the Church at Christ’s second coming.
The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
Regeneration by the HOLY SPIRIT is essential for personal salvation.
The redemptive work of Christ on THE CROSS provides healing for the body in response to believing prayer.
The BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it, with the evidence of “speaking in tongues”.
In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is able to live a HOLY LIFE.
In the RESURRECTION of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation.