Ndola, Zambia May 4th – 26th 2024
Thousands received Jesus as their Lord at the Ndola, Zambia in a Great Gospel Campaign. Jesus saved, healed physically, and set thousands free!
A large team of Evangelists completed in total 8 full crusades in the Zambian Copperbelt
22 Days of Ministry, with 281 Outreaches were completed!
In all of these missions, in total, 325,906 heard the gospel, and the total decisions for Jesus for all the crusades, schools and other outreaches were 205,236.

One of the great things about these crusades is how we saw break though in mobility issues – people leaving wheelchair sticks and crutches on stage after their healing!!!
We were seeing crowds in excess of 10,000 at the main crusade meetings.

Chipulukusu Crusade
This was the larger of the two crusades…

Part of the street preaching team

Teams went out to preach in prisons, market places, parks, prisons and hospitals as well, praying for the sick, and leading many to Jesus.
Mission Healing miracles
We saw God do some astonishing healings on the two crusades, and also in the street and market place outreaches.
• Eye blood problem for years she could not see, now her sight restored.
• Shoulder pain for 5 tears healed.
• A woman with waist pain for 4 years healed.
• Back pain for three months completely disappeared after prayer.
• Woman came in with a stick after a stroke for three years she was using a stick, and she was healed.
• A man with back pain for 10 years healed now able to bend without pain.
• Hearing improved.
• I had a word of knowledge that God was healing car accident victim. Afterwards a man came up who was in a car crash two years ago and broke both his legs and had pain in leg for two years!!! . After prayer the pain disappeared, and he had no pain when he ran on the stage !!!
• A woman with a wound that would not heal war came up and testified that she had been healed.
We Give Glory to God for all the amazing things he did!!!

In the 8 missions to the Zambian Copperbelt we saw 171,504 children register decisions for Christ
Testimony : An Amazing Answer to a Teachers Prayer THAT MORNING as we came to her school and preached to over 2000 Children!!!
A miraculous instant answer to someone’s heartfelt prayer!!
Watch this teachers testimony
We ran out of schools to go to in, and we had to drive long distances to find schools to preach in. One day we travelled over 1 and half hours to get to a town. I knew that because of the journey time we might only be able to get to three or four schools , so I prayed and selected some out of nearly 50 we could visit. The first school we went to had over 2000 pupils. We had the joy of preaching to them all, and we had a good response, but afterwards a teacher came up to us weeping. She said something like this:

I am a teacher here , and I run the school Scripture union club, but it is very poorly attended. I had just cried out with tears to the Lord this morning, over this situation, that there would be an opportunity somehow for all of the children to hear the gospel preached to them all together. To my astonishment, you arrived on the very morning I prayed this prayer, and all the children were gathered, and all heard the gospel together and responded! It was a miracle answer to prayer!!
We thank God that 1 John 5:14 says:
‘This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us’.
He certainly answered that prayer and that woman’s faith that day – Praise God!!

Follow Up
Our Follow up after these 2 Zambian crusade that I was participation, confirmed from the local pastors counts, that there were thousands of new Christians actually attending church and receiving baptism after the missions were over. We thank God for all he did in transforming this area, and give Him all the glory!!!
Chipulukkuski Crusade
2143 new believers came to church after the crusades, and 1763 had been baptised.
71 churches have come on board to do discipleship courses and were provided with discipleship manuals.